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Invitation to the Dongguan and Guangzhou Expo 2014

Number of visits:971 Date:2014-04-19 22:19:23

We would be exhibiting our new products for the year 2014 at both the Houjie and Guangzhou Show.Therefore we would like to take this opportunity to invite you,our distinguish customer to these shows.

International Famous Furniture Fair - 16th. to 20th. Mar. 2014(booth no.H3 A19, Furniture Rd,Houjie Town,Dongguan city,Guangdong Province).

China International Furniture Fair - 18th. to 22nd. Mar. 2014(booth no.3.2B10,XingGangDong Road,Haizhu District,Guangzhou city,Guangdong Province).

For more information you can contact our Export Department at Guanya@vip.163.com, or visit our website at www.guanyachina.com.

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