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Invitation to the famous International Furniture Fair (Dongguan) and China International Expo (Shanghai) 2013.

Number of visits:1048 Date:2013-08-22 00:00:00


Dear ,
We will be participating at both the Houjie and Shanghai show for the second half of 2013 and therefore would like to extend our humble invitation to you,our valued customer,that you can visit both our booth at these shows.
Details of both these exhibitions are as follows:-
30th.International Famous Furniture Fair (Houjie) -  5th. to   9th.September ; Hall 3 A19 
19th.China International Furniture Expo (Shanghai)  - 11th. to 15th.September ; Hall W5F 12
We hope to received your confirmed plans to visit which of these shows
Yours Sincerely,
Guanya Team

For more information you can contact our Export Department at
Guanya@vip.163.com, or visit our website at www.guanyachina.com

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